Download Dungar - Electronics Shop Website Template at cheap price:-
Dungar – Electronics Shop Website Template is a pre-designed layout that allows you to make an online shop for selling electronics products using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. It usually includes features such as product catalog, shopping cart, checkout, payment, customer reviews, etc. This template can help you save time and money by providing you with a perfect solution that you can customize according to your needs and preferences. It has a fully responsive website that will rescale itself to preserve the user experience and look and feel across all devices. The template contains 22 HTML files.
- Multi Home Pages
- Layout Responsive
- Mega Menu
- Vertical Menu
- Sticky Bottom Mobile Menu
- Banners Slider
- List & Grid View
- Compatible Browsers
- Included Documentation.
- Highly Customize
- And Much More…
Home & Static Pages:
- Index.html
- home2.html
- home3.html
- 404page.html
- About.html
- contact.html
Shop Pages
- gridproducts.html
- gridproducts_bannerslider.html
- gridproducts_leftsidebar.html
- listproducts.html
Detail Product Pages
- productdetails-fullwidth.html
- productdetails-leftsidebar.html
- productdetails-rightsidebar.html
Ecommerce Pages
- shopcart.html
- checkout.html
- login.html
- wishlist.html
Blog Pages
- bloglist.html
- bloggrid.html
- bloglist-leftsidebar.html
Detail Post Pages
- inblog_left-siderbar.html
- inblog_right-siderbar.html
Sources and Credits:
- Google font: Jost
- Font icon: font awesome, flaticon, pe icon 7 stroke
- jquery
- Bootstrap
- Owl carousel
- animate
- jquery ui
- slick
- chosen
- magnific popup
- lightbox
- fancybox
- scrollbar
- plugin countdown
- elevateZoom
Dungar - Electronics Shop Website Template is developed by Templatemonster (Known and Good Developer)
If you want moreName is developed by Templatemonster . Here you can buy this product for only $ and it’s 100% Original. Never Sells nulled or crack versions but We do not Provide License keys and premium support for more information check our Terms & Conditions.
information about this product then visit the main author’s website.
This plugin was uploaded on our website September 2, 2024
Download Dungar - Electronics Shop Website Template HTML Template right now and set up your own High-End website in a matter of minutes.
You can get Dungar - Electronics Shop Website Template here on a huge discount on individual purchase, If you buy membership then You can free download Dungar - Electronics Shop Website Template as well as You will get access to all the products (30335) free like WordPress, Woocommerce, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Muse, Opencart, Prestashop, Shopify, Unbounce, Ghost, Tumblr, Virtuemart, Graphics, Html templates, Php script and more … free! We provide an automatic upgrade service for the wp plugin, provides 24/7 hour support by Email, Live chat, Whatsapp, Skype, as well as Phone Call support.
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